VOLUNTEER (definition)- A person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking-a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.
"Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless."
In order for the IMRA to continue and present our motorcycle rodeos we need sponsorships and or donations from local businesses and individuals.
We also seek specialty vendors to set up at our rodeos.
If you know of any businesses, individuals or vendors that may be interested please ask them to visit the "RodeoIMRA.com" website for details or you can contact us so we can follow up and get the information to them directly!
Please spread the news far and wide about the IMRA Motorcycle Rodeos and how "they" might be able to help our cause!"
We currently have three motorcycle rodeos that only take 5 days to present but the organizing and planning takes us all year...
There are many ways YOU can volunteer and help the IMRA cause!
First and foremost is raising awareness about the IMRA and it's cause and securing sponsors, donations and vendors so we may continue to present these fun and entertaining motorcycle rodeos that raise donations for military veterans groups, youth groups and other local Idaho charities!
From Homedale to Mackay to Mountain Home we are in a vast part of Idaho...YOU can do your part right now and start spreading the news in these local and surrounding areas about the fun and exciting IMRA Motorcycle Rodeos that are coming soon!
There are numerous ways YOU can help! Please contact us for more information.
We cover a big portion of Idaho! We need and would appreciate your help in spreading the news about our fun motorcycle rodeos! Please download our "RODEO EVENT FLYER" print some out and post them in your local communities! We strive to bring all of you the best motorcycle rodeos and fun family entertainment...but without YOU there's no US!
10% of ALL sponsorship fees will be donated to the IMRA chosen local community charity or cause!