Idaho Motorcycle Rodeo Association (IMRA)
501 (c) 3 Charitable Organization
All volunteer
Chairman/Rodeo Coordinator-
Barry Huskey 208-859-5975
Vice Chairman- Bridgette Severns 208-703-3373
Secretary- Dani Harris 208-813-5547
Treasurer- Amber Martin 208-695-8086
Safety Coordinator-Justin Crawford
Super Volunteer- Midge Maureen Auburn
Announcers- Frankie and or John Christensen
Official Photographer- Britny McCoubrey
Graphic Arts/Web Design- Frankie and Dani
"We are dedicated to organizing and presenting safe, competitive and exciting motorcycle rodeos, fun family entertainment and giving back to local Idaho causes and charities."
HOW WE STARTED- While attending the 2016, 23rd. Annual Mackay Motorcycle Rodeo in Mackay, Idaho. We learned from it's original organizing group that 2016 would be the last and final year. Being it was one of our favorites to attend and compete in we were truly sorry to hear this news! Sitting around a campfire,after competing in said rodeo, a small group of friends with a love of motorcycle rodeos discussed what we could and should do. So with the original groups blessing, we boldly decided to form a non-profit group and completely take the "reigns" and continue the annual tradition of the iconic Mackay Motorcycle Rodeo!
...and that's how the IDAHO MOTORCYCLE RODEO ASSOCIATION was started!
(After all, this group of friends does have years of attending and competing in numerous motorcycle rodeos throughout Idaho and the mountain west region so we know a thing or two about playing in the dirt.)
Since our inception in 2016
To date, through certain proceeds and donations raised at our rodeos the IMRA has donated over $43,385.00 to local military veterans groups, youth groups and charities in the great state of Idaho!
"We love dirty hogs, dirty chrome and playin' in the dirt!"
The IMRA organizes and presents annual open competition motorcycle rodeos in the state of Idaho for adventurous street bike riders to try their riding skills and compete against other riders in a dirt rodeo arena for cash and prizes and the accolades of the crowd and fellow competitors!
IMRA motorcycle rodeos offer wild to mild events so any skill level can participate.
Events are head to head, skills or timed. Solo rider or partnered.
*Rodeo events include- Dirt Drags, Barrel Races, Slow Races, Pluck The Duck, Keg Push, Poke The Pig, The Hang Over, Stop or Lose, Lace The Spokes, Drop In The Bucket, Dizzy Drags and the Weenie Bite.
Since our inception in 2016
To date, through entry fees and donations we have paid out over $28,485.00 in prize money and awarded some pretty cool trophies and medals to the competitors.
Our rodeos *may also include a free and fun event for willing spectators to try and win a trophy!(no motorcycle required)
*We change things up every year so this may not be included in the event.
IMRA motorcycle rodeos are thrilling to compete in and just as fun to watch, all of our events are kid friendly and entertaining for the entire family.
*Events vary at each rodeo.
"Eatin' bugs and havin' fun!"
Everyone with a love for motorcycling and motorcycles in the great state of Idaho and beyond is part of the large and caring "biker family."
The IMRA and it's volunteers, rodeo participants and spectators who attend, compete or just watch these events are brought together as "family" and the love of motorcycles, not only be entertained and have fun but, in true biker fashion, unselfishly give their time and efforts to a bigger cause which is to help raise money that can be donated to various military veterans groups, youth groups, food banks and charities in the local Idaho communities that graciously host the IMRA motorcycle rodeos.
"Without you-there's no us!"
The IMRA appreciates the continued support of all sponsors, vendors, participants and attendees at our motorcycle rodeos. Thank you!
10% of ALL sponsorship fees will be donated to the IMRA chosen local community charity or cause!